Joined: Sun Nov 19th, 2017
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Well, for a family drama thing, drove up from PHX to SLC area today. Trip was pretty good but had one breakdown, the tensioner pully bearing locked up and destroyed itself. I didn't notice right away, but the battery light came on, and my steering got really heavy. Popped the hood and it took me a solid 30 seconds to figure out my belt wasn't moving.
I was 15 miles from the nearest town with a shop open today, so I started it up, and got up to speed as fast as I could, then tossed it into neutral and shut it off, and coasted down the hills, and then would start it up, get back into drive and do it over again. Why? so I could move without overheating the engine. and I made it, it took me an hour to go 15 miles, because I did have to stop a few times and let it cool down, but I made it and they were able to swap out the pully for me at the shop. Why didn't I wait for a tow? because the soonest they could get me one was 3+ hours. The break down + repair turned my should have been 10 hour trip into a solid 12 hours.

1998 Mazda B4000
Mesa, AZ