12° North Industries
Joined: Thu Nov 23rd, 2017
Posts: 389
Name: Occupation: Vehicle Upfitter ... Interests: The great outdoors, nature, back to basics ...
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Can't.. Good ole US has in many states made wood burning anything just about illegal.
The EPA has banned the production and sale of the types of stoves used by about 80 percent of those with such stoves. The regulations limit the amount of “airborne fine-particle matter†to 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The current EPA regulations allow for 15 micrograms in the same amount of air space.
- https://www.energyjustice.net/content/epa-bans-most-wood-burning-stoves
- https://www.epa.gov/burnwise/ordinances-and-regulations-wood-burning-appliances
There is clearly more going on over the years knowing that whats happening today was basically planned "fuel" obsolescence in the works from at least 2 decades ago all in regards and transition from "Global Warming" to a ruse for now "Climate Change".
There is no doubt in my mind or experience that Solar, Wind, even all the weird bio-fuels have a purposeful presence and need but to me are what they've always been called - Alternative fuels, not replacement fuels. Not as of yet anyway. Even almost everyones favorite man on a mission for everything, Elon musk has literlly Tweeted'
According to, I know, but its surprisingly accurate... NBC News, Russian crude oil and petroleum product exports to the U.S. represent 8 percent of all its imported oil and less than 2 percent of the U.S. supply, an NBC News analysis of U.S. and European oil data found. The mass majority of oil comes from ourselves, or did, and Canada. We know people in the Canadian Oil Industry all to well.
In 2020, the 10 largest oil producers in the world were the US (18.61 mbpd), Saudi Arabia (10.81 mbpd), Russia (10.5 mbpd), Canada (5.23 mbpd) and China (4.86 mbpd). Dated:: Mar 10, 2022
So, someone explain why, other than purposely trying to cripple ourselves from within our own Misgoverning resources why we are dealing with what we are dealing with. First pandemic shuts down as many small business owners as possible for as long as possible with threats of coercion, fines, being put in a cage, as well as the personal losses that accompanied many.
Then all of the taxes, on top of the taxes that were allegedly meant to "punish the evil 10% and above" which when you wipe away the dandruff dust from Sleepy Joe there, you really find out that the ones who actually offset all of that is by the middle and worse, lower income classes, not the rich and super wealthy. Here's what most people dont understand or get. Wealthy people are Millions if not Billions of dollars in debt. But their debt is not only liquid debt, property, businesses, rentals, etc.. but its also debt that can be leveraged because despite being negative debt, they are assets that pay for themselves AND create write offs and or losses. You are far better off leveraging $50M in debt, than owing absolutely NO ONE, and having $2M in the bank account. All Currency, yes including the extension of "cash" from credit, is debt. You cannot bring a $1 dollar to the table, borrow it for whatever reason, and pay it back with an interest factor (lets face it No one loans money without interest attached - No one), without borrowing into existence [Fed go Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr] another $1. It's not fiscally possible and certainly not how our monetary system works.
This further implies that certain people financed and restructured the school curriculum's to provide "workers". We make fun of the Flintstones, the Bird influenced whistle that ends the day of work at the rock quarry, remember? In the early industrial revolution days it also signified the start of the shifts, breaks, lunches, and days end. Same with the school bells for class swapping, lunches - whether a single time or multiple lunch times, and the end of the day.. Its called pre-programming. No different than training a childs behavior or a capable pet to be honest.
Now, the newest fear or part of the Plan is the Ukraine war which has morphed into the new threat of World War (III), leading into global fuel shortages, contributing to higher prices and inflation compounding the above losses and taxation, dissolving the US dollar as a world currency, seemingly destroy evidence of BIO-labs on Russia's doorstep, wheat production destroyed and manipulated of pricing as so much is made from wheat flour, food shortages worldwide along with transportation cost hikes despite claims of "reserves"..
Someone explain that if I control the monetary supply, the food supply, the supply/distribution chains, then manipulated the masses of people on a global level of "hegelian dialectic" will surely help push resistances into conforming or root them out altogether for re-learning/punishment examples.
What would I have in my possession..? Anyone?
And I've personally left open plenty for further deeper discussion.
____________________ North Industries
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118
Web http://www.12degnorth.com