View single post by Undrstm8ed
 Posted: Fri Oct 27th, 2017 03:09 am
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Joined: Sat Oct 21st, 2017
Posts: 1273
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Rockauto has some really good deals on MOOG uppers and lowers right now.

I just put an order together myself...

Considering that's everything in the front end of my 93', including wheel bearings & seals, and pivot bushing too.. that's pretty good considering local NON-MOOG parts at local part stores wanted between $44-59 EACH for uppers and lowers alone.

Still confused about the only $8.99 shipping tho.. I recalculated that 4 times to be sure.. seems awfully cheap to me... oh well

"Be never first, never last and never noticed." - Unknown

"The slave is held most securely when he is held by the chains of his own will and of his own fears, and when he is locked down by his own slavish desires for a comfortable life." - Michael Bunker

"Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur" - ~ attributed to Petronius (Gaius Petronius Arbiter (ca. 27–66 AD))
Roman courtier during the reign of Nero.

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine

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