View single post by JAMMAN
 Posted: Wed Jan 17th, 2024 03:06 am
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Owns A Torsen

Joined: Mon Sep 18th, 2017
Location: Grove City, Ohio USA
Posts: 6358
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I don't get out much LOL.

Was on Marketplace, saw "ranger for sale", clicked on it and it was an explorer sport track.

It gets worse.

"Seller's Description

This is a very, very nice truck. It's an excellent shape. It has a nickname problem. I bought a new Ignition for but it needs. Get on a computer so you can put it in to. The truck is all that's wrong with this truck. I would like to trade this truck and a car. I've got a Mazda 3 that is very, very short. Just needs to put back together. They put a brand new time and train in it. But the person that was putting it back together got hurt real bad on a tree so he didn't get the chance. To put it back together as Mazda is very nice. But I will try both of them for a decent transit runs good. Person can have by the plane titles for by seven"

00 XLT 4WD RCSB 3.GO! Jalapeño
01 XLT 2WD RC Steppie 3.0 auto Silver
The future belongs to those who show up.