View single post by JAMMAN
 Posted: Sun Sep 24th, 2023 12:18 pm
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Owns A Torsen

Joined: Mon Sep 18th, 2017
Location: Grove City, Ohio USA
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Well the 2 or 3 of us that are left due to hosting issues would probably say do what you can!

I sold the crank out of the first 4cyl I pulled (original Gherkin green truck seized cam on head) to a guy that grinds them and strokes them. Forgot his name but I think he was from indiana.

The people I have chatted with that went the 4 cyl route never regretted it. They usually prefer the 2.3's though, a lot of thunderbird swaps from their brief turbo era.

You might want to shrink the pictures to 800X600 or some ridiculous crap to get them to work. I need to find a better host, someone that laughs at clouds and virtual machines and has real servers. Like I did.

00 XLT 4WD RCSB 3.GO! Jalapeño
01 XLT 2WD RC Steppie 3.0 auto Silver
The future belongs to those who show up.