View single post by Junglejoe
 Posted: Sun Jul 9th, 2023 10:19 am
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Joined: Tue Jun 30th, 2020
Location: Missouri USA
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Hmmm! So you didn't have to move any of the wires around?  As in de-pin or add wires to the connector?
 If its just to short, that  no big deL..I can go to the yard and snatch another plug and a foot.or so.of wireing.
 I try to stay away from the 4 cly trucks because I don't know much about the wireing. I can't own a 4 cly anything...lol
This 2000 I'm thinking on buying has a blown 4 banger, 175k miles on the truck but it has all power options with a key fob!

2000 EFI 302 Zspec T5 swap ranger