View single post by Scrambler82
 Posted: Thu Jan 9th, 2020 11:59 am
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Old Bastard !

Joined: Fri Dec 22nd, 2017
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My thoughts exactly BUT they are only allowing it for vehicle like Jeeps or your Toy... I think it would have made a great swap.

If Cummins offers the R2.8 at a discount again, I might look at the whole thing again.

Cummins offered it for high ids oof $6K, not to back for a little power house.

2003 EDGE, Std Cab, Steppie, E4 Red, 5sp, 4x
5" SuperLift, 33" x 12.50 x 15"
Hurst Shifter
Mod'd Backrack to fit Steppie
Front and Rear Bumpers by Custom 4x4 Fabrication, OK; now Mike's Welding and Fabrication.
Working on more Mods, just need more time, longer days would work !